

McCorkle Casting, Ltd.

One of the preeminent casting companies in the United States, McCorkle Casting, Ltd. has handled hundreds of projects in film, television and theater.  Founded in 1979 by Pat McCorkle, the company has earned a reputation for energy, creativity, and the keen ability to translate a director's vision into reality.

Having cast everything form Hollywood mega-productions to small regional theaters, McCorkle and her staff have developed a vast talent network extending from working stage actors to superstars.

The company has also developed a name for bold and unexpected ideas and for the discovery of new talent.  Several of McCorkle cast members have garnered SAG, ACE, Tony, and Emmy awards/nominations.  A few highlights of McCorkle's track record include an Emmy nomination for Californication, Linda Hunt's Oscar-winning role in The Year of Living Dangerously;  the pool of undiscovered young actors - Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Brendan Fraser, and Chris O'Donnell - selected for Stanley Jaffe's School Ties;  and a long list of people who were "tagged" by McCorkle early in their careers, including Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Skeet Ulrich, and Calista Flockhart.

STATEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We embrace the current movements bringing awareness to unrepresented artists in our community. Since it’s inception, McCorkle Casting has promoted equality and diversity and continues to provide creative solutions in our capacity as artists, teachers and professionals. We recognize that we can do better. We see you, we hear you, we will keep having the hard conversations, and we will keep doing the work to improve.

Company Background